Πέμπτη 4 Νοεμβρίου 2010

Σάββατο 18 Ιουλίου 2009

“chanea” PDO Kolymvari

“Chanea” is the ancient name of the city of Chania, a county of western Crete island that stands in the center of the Mediterranean basin. The extra virgin olive oil “chanea” is produced within Kolymvari, a region of Chania. Its unique climate, the rich soil and the breeze of the Aegean Sea create the ideal conditions for the olive tree to develop and offer us its crops. Maybe that’s the reason why during the Minoan civilization, the first western civilization (14th century B.C.) which flourished in Crete, the olive tree was initially cultivated there systematically and was the first time that o.o. was produced. The oldest olive tree in the world, 3000 years old, with 12 meters perimeter still stands in Kolymvari being the silent witness of history!

“chanea” characteristics
A quality oil such as chanea has a balanced fresh scent with hints of grass and fruit. It has a very mild peppery aftertaste but its main characteristic is smoothness and fruitiness. Its vivid golden-green color reminds the words of Homer “olive oil, the liquid gold”!

Variety of olives used
The variety of olives that is used by 100% in the production of chanea is the koroneiki. In contrast to other oils “chanea” does not have to be blended or mixed with many varieties so as to produce this exceptionally high quality olive oil with an acidity level of <0,4%!

Ingredients: 100% superior quality extra virgin olive oil from the region of kolymvari, obtained directly from olives and solely by mechanical means.

Production method
Just like anything else of superior quality, there is no particular secret to the technique in making it rather than great attention to detail! No pesticides are used in the olive groves of Kolymvari but rather more natural ways are preferred for the cultivation of the trees. These chemically free olives are hand picked and transferred within 24 hours to the crushing mill so as to keep all their taste and health benefits for you. After that, in cold extraction facilities of the highest technology the olive oil is produced with no use of chemicals or heat, it is bottled and ready to wake up your senses!

“chanea” PDO Kolymvari
This combination of traditional methods of cultivation and modern production techniques have resulted in the designation of the olive oil of Kolymvari as a product of Protected Designation of Origin from the EU in 1997. This recognition guarantees to the consumer that each bottle of “chanea”
Contains superior quality olive oil only from the area of Kolymvari.
Is a first cold pressed olive oil so as to keep all health benefits and taste.
Passes frequent and strict quality controls from an EU inspection organization.
Is unique and is numbered in accordance with a strictly monitored procedure (red tape on each bottle).

Maybe the above are the reasons that the olive oil of Kolymvari is the only olive oil in the world that has ever been chosen for the nutrition of the athletes by the official committee of the Olympic Games in Tokyo, Japan!

Why use only evoo of superior quality?
Hippocrates the founder of western medicine used it in more than 60 treatments (skin burns, stomach ulcer) while modern medicine suggests that every day consumption may prevent coronary diseases, various forms of cancer (breast and stomach) and can result in the lowering of cholesterol.
The “secret” behind this, apart from the vitamins A, E, D, K, is the polyphenols, a very powerful natural antioxidant that creates a shield of protection around the human cells. The concentration of polyphenols is not the same in all olive oils. It depends on the olives variety, the cultivation methods, and production techniques.” chanea” extra virgin olive oil with a concentration of 170ppm (parts per million) is considered exceptionally rich in polyphenols (the maximum concentration that can be found in olive oil is 180ppm)

USES of olive oil.
Apply chanea in fresh and boiled salads; use it as a basis for any kind of dressing or sauces for pasta, or just apply it on fresh or toasted bread.
Apply “chanea” in noodles or rice noodles and soups.
Apply on every food so as to enhance the taste and color of your dish.
Use it as a natural moisturizing substance by applying it on your skin, especially on feet, hands and lips and rub smoothly.
Exfoliate your face and hands. Rub your skin with olive oil, then scrub with sugar or coarse salt, and rinse.
Cure an earache. Very carefully, use a cotton swab to apply olive oil to the outside ear cavity to help with earaches and excess wax.
As a hair tonic. Comb some olive oil through your hair for the vintage look of pomade without the build-up, or add a bit to wet hair for grungy, but clean, look.

DID you know?
That real extra virgin olive oil is easily digested. Research has proved that only breast milk can be absorbed more easily by the human body!

Πέμπτη 16 Ιουλίου 2009

希臘Chanea歐盟指定保護區第一道冷壓橄欖油 (Greek Chanea PDO Extra Virgin Olive Oil)

.希臘愛琴海克里特島名產, 歷史悠久, 世界上最老最大的橄欖樹(3000年)即在該島上的保護區內。

選自著名的PDO歐盟指定的保護區Kolymvari。自西元前3000年開始,Kolymvari 就一直是橄欖樹理想的栽種地區。在5,000‧年後的今天,橄欖油仍然是島上最主要的農產品。獨特的氣候,豐富的土壤,橄欖樹農對於雅典娜女神獻給這塊土地人民的橄欖樹深深的摯愛,讓Chanea 的PDO橄欖油擁有絕對的超優質品質。
. 此黃藍色標誌PDO為Protected Designation of Origin的縮寫, 意思為歐盟原產地保護區。這個標誌可以作為保護一些特定農產品或是食品的名稱。同時可以讓消費者在做選擇時可以得到更確實的有關這些食品特色的訊息。“受保護”的食品可顯示出其產品特色,產品特色有可能是來自區域性,產品是產自特別的地區,也有可能是來自傳統的特殊成份或是特殊的製造過程。原材料也必須是取自當地特定區域才可以標上PDO。無論是品質或是風味都必須反應出當地特有的質感,例如:氣候,天然的土壤,還有當地特殊的技術。

有PDO認證才是最高品質的橄欖油, 而Chanea品牌自1997年開始取得歐盟PDO認證。
本產品每瓶瓶身上不僅有歐盟指定保護區黃藍色logo, 瓶蓋上還會有一個經過嚴格控管的流水號碼標籤

橄欖成熟初期以手工方式採收 有最好的橄欖樹並能保證生產出來的橄欖油一定是最好的。我們更進一步確保橄欖的採收,在橄欖成熟初期以手工方式採收。手工採收後,就會馬上把橄欖送到Kolymbari 公司自有的橄欖壓榨廠。這樣的過程做法可以確保橄欖的口味和營養成份不錯被破壞。
.橄欖的冷壓(Cold Extraction) 我們所使用的橄欖冷壓機是採取最新的科技(Flottweg.) 我們將冷壓過程的環境控制在攝氏27度之內,所以也就保護了我們的Chanea橄欖油的營養成份(符合歐盟法令對冷壓環境的規定)

過氧化物值(Peroxide Value)橄欖油若有過高的過氧化物值就代表橄欖油已經變質,被氧化了(失去了橄欖油原有的品質,營養價值和健康的益處)歐盟對於這部份的標準是在每公斤的油控制在20meg以下, Chanea的過.氧化物值是介於每公斤8.6-10.8meg之間。所以我們可以標上Extra Virgin Olive Oil.。
蠟(Waxes)蠟則代表橄欖油的品質是較為不好的。真正好的第一道冷壓橄欖油應該是來自橄欖的果肉,不是來自橄欖子(果仁)。含蠟度太高的狀況有可能是生產廠商不夠專業無法控制生產技術,或是想要降低成本所以摻了橄欖子油。基本上橄欖子是沒有任何營養價值而且味道也不好。有些廠商為了降低成本所以加了橄欖子的油,同時也剝削了客戶應該享有的真正純處女橄欖油的品質。橄欖油要標上Extra Virgin Olive Oil, 歐盟對於這部份的標準:每公斤橄欖油的含量限制是250ppm, Chanea的值只有每公斤95ppm. 幾乎只有1/3,所以我們的營養成份和口味的品質是非常高的


PDO olive oil from Crete Greece希臘克里特島ChaneaPDO橄欖油

* 橄欖保持千年來一貫的採收方式!
* 橄欖油的製作方式也保有千年來一樣的冷壓方式!
* 產品原產地位於歐盟指定保護區

酸度是Chanea PDO的品質保證,請至網站:http://www.chanea.com/

我們送給實驗室的橄欖油是直接取自於那些油箱裡(準備用瓶子或油桶包裝起來出貨)而不是在製程過後。所有的製造過程是遵照希臘及歐盟的規範及管理。 (橄欖油是希臘人生活中的一部份,希臘國民對於橄欖油的平均攝取量是全球之冠,對橄欖油品質的要求更是一點不馬虎)

我們將我們的橄欖油是送到由希臘政府指定的實驗室做測試﹐測試報告是遵循歐盟最嚴格的指令((2568/91 EU).做出來的




我們的責任是供應給客戶最高品質的橄欖油(克里特島產量最多的產品﹐人類最早種植的橄欖樹也是始自於克里特島) 希臘只生產特純處女橄欖油﹐品質也是是地中海國家中生產橄欖油最好的﹐尤其特里特島橄欖油的生產是希臘最有經驗﹐品質最好的一個地中海小島(歷史及氣候的典故)。





Τετάρτη 15 Ιουλίου 2009


  • A) HOW TO TASTE and COMPARE "chanea" olive oil.

    The best way to taste an olive oil is by putting some in a small glass. You can smell it and see the golden yellow color of it, then drink it up! Other way is by putting some on fresh white bread, which is the most usual snack in Greece.

    If you want to compare it with any other olive oil just put a ship of each brand in a small glass. Mark the brand on each glass and then taste them. Watch the color the smell and finally the taste.

    Different extra virgin olive oils may share the same characteristics but there is marked variation in taste. There are many nuances, and connoisseurs categorise its flavours as mild (delicate, light, or buttery), semi-fruity (stronger, with more taste of olive), and fruity (oil with a strong olive flavour).
    If you wish to become familiar with the different olive oil flavours, you should try to taste as many of them as possible; one cost-effective way to do that is to split several large bottles of different extra virgin olive oils with your friends.

    Chanea product features:

    Colour. Vivid golden yellow in other words “the liquid gold”. A lighter color may also signify oxidation arising from exposure to sunlight. If that happens, the delicate aromas and health characteristics in such oils generally have suffered, and the oil may taste rancid.
    Taste: Balanced, delicate taste like the climate of Kolymvari.
    Flavour: Slightly grassy and spicy like the smell of grass.
    Ingredients: superior quality extra virgin olive oil from the region of Kolymvari, obtained directly from olives and solely by mechanical means.


    1) It is the only olive oil in the world that has been officially chosen by an Olympic Games committee for the nutrition of the athletes. Olympic Games of Tokyo, Japan.

    2) It is a PDO Kolymvari (Protected Designation of Origin) olive oil. This means that the European Union has recognized its quality and taste and guarantees these two.
    How? By making frequent quality controls and by guaranteeing that the olive oil is produced and bottled within the region of Kolymvari (no other inferior oils are mixed with it).

    3) Each bottle has 2 characteristics that assure the origin of it. The PDO logo, on the front label and the red tape, on the neck of each bottle with a unique serial number for each bottle.
    This is because each producer can produce a specific quantity of PDO oil and the European Union guarantees only this quantity. If a product has the PDO logo without being registered or the quantity produced is more than it has been registered the fines are immense. In other words each bottle is unique and tested (quality, taste).

    4) Chanea is a first cold pressed olive oil.
    This means that the olives are processed in lower than 27 degrees Celsius so its health benefits and nutrition characteristics do not deteriorate as in refined oils. So the consumer is buying what he is paying for (value for money).

    5) It has an acidity level of 0, 3% (the E.U. sets as a limit for branded as extra virgin the 0,8%) which is one of the lowest you can find in the international market. Low acidity levels indicate:
    Good quality olives used in the production.
    No more than 24 hours have passed from the harvest of the olives until the production of olive oil.
    It is cold pressed.
    No chemicals and heat has been used in the production.
    Professionalism in the production method.

    (Think what you would do in your kitchen if you wanted to make a glass of fresh orange juice, it is the same).

    6) Glass bottle. The packaging of the chanea olive oil is in a dark green Maraska glass bottle. It is stylish and the dark green color of it prevents the sun and air to deteriorate its quality ( sun and air are the worst enemies of olive oil), thus guaranteeing that the final consumer will buy what he is paying for.

    7) The label, a picture of the traditional Greek architecture (blue and white houses), has won the 3rd prize in the Greek packaging competition in 2008.

    8) The olive tree of Kolymvari, 3000 years old (the one in the first page of the chanea brochure) is the oldest olive tree in the world and its branches were given to the winners of the Olympic Games in Athens, Greece in 2004.

    9) Polyphenols. Chanea olive oil has a very big concentration of polyphenols and that is why when drinking it, you feel a slight burn in your throat.

    What are the polyphenols? They are the strongest natural anti-oxidants found only in olive oil. They create a frame around the human cells and protect them from any kind of diseases (aging, breast and many kind of cancer, heart attacks). The FDA (food and drug administration of the USA, which is the most approved organization regarding food quality) has recently announced that daily consumption of good quality extra virgin olive oil can prevent breast cancer and heart attacks. In other words, chanea is a medicine in your kitchen!

    (Please check page 6 and the following sites).



    10) The variety of olives used in the production of chanea is the “Koroneiki”, the best Greek variety of olives. Other e.v.oo. have to mix different varieties so as to get a good result. Koroneiki variety is the first variety that was systematically cultivated in the Mediterranean.

    11) There are no chemical residues or pesticides in the chanea olive oil which makes it natural and safe to eat even for young children (that’s what I give my 2 year old nephew).
    Did you know that extra virgin olive oil is the second easiest food for the human body to absorb?
    The first is the breast milk!

    12) Chanea is sold in the Dean & Deluca department stores in Taiwan, which is considered to be the benchmark of quality and style in the food retail business in Asia and the USA.


    Extra Virgin Olive Oil the queen of oils

    To be certified for the “extra virgin” label, an olive oil should satisfy four criteria: it must be produced by mechanical extraction methods (no chemicals or hot water applied), come only from first cold-pressing, have an oleic acidity level of less than one percent, and must have a perfect taste.
    Acidity level is the most important factor that determines its grade. This is a measure of the percentage of free fatty acid content: the best oil has the lowest acidity. The oil should also be free from perceptible defects in taste or smell. Extra virgin olive oil is valued for its perfect balance in terms of flavour, aroma, colour, and acidity level.
    One reason extra virgin olive oil is prized so highly is its high content of vitamins and nutrients. Also, it is pure and without any additives. The fruitiness of its taste and the complexity of its aroma give it universal appeal. The light, delicate consistency of extra virgin olive oil makes it perfect for dressings. It is also the preferred oil for use in cooking by more discerning users.
    Extra virgin olive oil comes in four sub-types:
    Extra virgin olive oil (regular)
    Organic extra virgin olive oil
    Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) (the most market appreciated!)

    Virgin Olive Oil
    Virgin olive oil also comes from the first pressing, and is also produced without refining. In a technical sense, virgin olive oil may have an acidity level of up to 3.3%, however, industry practice in the producing countries is to maintain under 2% acidity. Its flavour intensity can vary and its taste is less mild than extra virgin olive oil.

    Pure Olive Oil
    This is now simply called olive oil and is a blend of virgin olive oil and refined olive oil. Its label will bear the designation “pure” or “100% pure”. However, refined olive oil has very little vitamin E content and level of polyphenols. This is why producers need to add unrefined virgin olive oil to impart some of flavour, colour and aroma into the blend. The proportions of the two components may vary from one producer to another, depending on the flavour the producer desires to create.
    Pure olive oil actually has the same acidity level as virgin olive oil, and for that reason it has good resistance to high temperatures. Its lower nutrient content than virgin olive oil makes it less expensive. It cannot be used for dressings and is better suited for heavy-duty, high-heat cooking.

    Pomace Olive Oil
    Pomace oil is the lowest grade of olive-based oils. Pomace is that part of the olive that remains after all the oil and water in it has been removed by pressuring or centrifuging processes. With the use of certain solvents, there is still some residual oil that can be extracted from the olive pomace. This oil may then be refined, which results in a product bereft of any specific taste or colour; it also contains none of olive oil’s vitamins.
    To make pomace oil acceptable to consumers, the producer blends it with virgin olive oil. As with pure olive oil, the producer may vary the proportions between the pomace oil and virgin olive oil; however, the virgin olive oil content is generally quite low. The blended product is called olive pomace oil. Like pure olive oil, it is suitable for use only in high-heat cooking.

    Light Olive Oil
    There are certain light-tasting, light-coloured oils containing minute proportions, if at all, of virgin oils. These are pure rectified oils called light oils. They are being marketed with a particular slant that would have people believe that they are buying oils that have lower in fat or calorie content. The truth is, light oils have 125 calories per tablespoon – exactly like all olive oils, and all fats, for that matter.

    Olive Oil Polyphenols
    Olive oil polyphenols are important anti-oxidants (natural anti-inflammatories) found in highest concentrations in extra virgin olive oil.
    One of the most important components of olive oil is hydroxytyrosol, an extremely rare, highly potent polyphenol. Hydroxytyrosol can actually slow the aging process in the skin by stabilizing the part of the cell known as the cell plasma membrane.
    Researchers worldwide find that diets rich in olive oil polyphenols are associated with healthier breast tissue, colon function, and cardiovascular function, and offer significant extra protection from secondary smoke and sun-related skin damage.
    Extra virgin olive oil is unique when it comes to foods that have a direct impact on beautiful skin.

    A few of the benefits of a diet rich in anti-inflammatory anti-oxidant extra virgin olive oil include:
    increases the skins ability to maintain moisture
    decreases "bad cholesterol"
    increases "good cholesterol"
    helps intestinal absorption
    helps gall bladder activity
    lowers probability of gallstones
    lowers blood pressure
    decreases gastric acid secretion in ulcers
    stimulates pancreas secretion
    aids developing bone in children
    prevents osteoporosis
    lowers glucose levels in diabetics
    reduces risk of prostate cancer
    reduces the risk of breast cancer

    Olive oil polyphenols offer additional benefits when incorporated into topical formulations, including the following:
    The delivery of the polyphenol anti-oxidant benefits directly to the skin.
    Provides an all-natural approach to the prevention of free-radical damage.
    Minimizes the appearance of lines and wrinkles while it brightens and evens skin tone.
    Extremely gentle and non-irritating; safe for even the most sensitive skin.Guards against signs of premature aging.
Kolymvari, Chania, P.D.O. , logo, Greece, Athens, olive oil, island, islands, food, canned, glass, 500ml, 250ml, packaging, nutrition, recipes, traditional, Greek, Tokyo, Japan, Hippocrates, cholesterol, Taiwan, Indonesia, export, import, sun, santorini, crete,

Δευτέρα 27 Απριλίου 2009

希臘Chanea歐盟指定保護區第一道冷壓橄欖油 (Greek Chanea PDO Extra Virgin Olive Oil)

選自著名的PDO歐盟指定的保護區Kolymvari。自西元前3000年開始,Kolymvari 就一直是橄欖樹理想的栽種地區。在5,000‧年後的今天,橄欖油仍然是島上最主要的農產品。獨特的氣候,豐富的土壤,橄欖樹農對於雅典娜女神獻給這塊土地人民的橄欖樹深深的摯愛,讓Chanea 的PDO橄欖油擁有絕對的超優質品質。
. 此黃藍色標誌PDO為Protected Designation of Origin的縮寫, 意思為歐盟原產地保護區。這個標誌可以作為保護一些特定農產品或是食品的名稱。同時可以讓消費者在做選擇時可以得到更確實的有關這些食品特色的訊息。“受保護”的食品可顯示出其產品特色,產品特色有可能是來自區域性,產品是產自特別的地區,也有可能是來自傳統的特殊成份或是特殊的製造過程。原材料也必須是取自當地特定區域才可以標上PDO。無論是品質或是風味都必須反應出當地特有的質感,例如:氣候,天然的土壤,還有當地特殊的技術。